40多年了, 我们已经演示了设计, 方法论的, and statistical knowledge through the implementation of large and complex survey research projects. 我们的客户包括美国联邦, state, 以及当地机构, 大学, 非营利组织, 商业组织.


我们的统计学家, 调查方法学家, 项目经理, 调查分析师, 主题专家, and consultants work side-by-side to collect the best possible data and increase each client’s ability to act on survey results. The statistical and 方法论的 experience of our survey research staff is complemented by the depth and breadth of the subject matter knowledge within ICF, 从 health, 教育, and 社会事业 to energy, 环境, and 运输.

ICF调查研究团队提供所有数据收集模式的专业知识, 比如电话, mail, web, 面对面, 混合模式设计. We have a centralized operations center with 500 CATI (computer-assisted 电话 interviewing) stations, 以及其他卫星中心和分配的采访者.

我们的数据收集人员经过培训,可以在难以触及的地方工作, 多语种人群和敏感话题. 作为基准, ICF offers stringent data and system security and we can make further accommodations up to the highest federal security standards—as high as the National Institute of Standards and 技术 (NIST).

ICF is committed to producing the highest quality survey research work with integrity and compliance and 是否通过了ISO 20252:2020认证 by CIRQ是国际标准组织和洞察协会的子公司.  ISO 20252市场标准, 的意见, 和社会研究认证建立了全球公认的术语, 定义, 以及科研机构项目管理的服务需求. 通过遵循ISO 20252中概述的流程, 我们确保我们的研究方法是透明的, 一致的, 并记录.


ICF supports clients by providing a range of 数据收集 methodologies to address our clients most pressing questions.

ICF了解我们客户的使命. We know that improving health outcomes depends on accurate, defensible answers to research questions. 无论是追踪青少年的危险行为,还是估算疾病爆发, we apply objective quantitative skills with acute awareness that survey outcomes will affect people’s lives.

我们的研究方法专家团队拥有超过20年的设计经验, 数据收集, 分析, 和报告. They use this base of knowledge and each project’s unique qualities to determine which methodologies will maximize data quality, 响应率, 和准确性.

我们在系统应用a方面经验丰富 多种数据收集方式 在美国各地的多地点研究中.S. ICF helps clients strike the balance between systematic performance and nuanced execution that results in maintaining consistency, 相关性, 以及整个过程中数据和分析的质量.

ICF is committed to producing the highest quality survey research work with integrity and compliance and 已获得CASRO研究质量研究所(CIRQ)的认证 申请ISO 20252认证.


ICF helps clients ground survey results in valid data by designing survey questions that are understood as intended and work 一致的ly across 数据收集 platforms.

设计精良的调查仪器是任何成功研究项目的基础. ICF works closely with each client to develop respondent-friendly 仪器 that encourage accurate responses. We know how to reduce cognitive stress by offering instructions when needed and creating logical navigation. 我们从来不会在没有彻底测试和试点的情况下发布调查问卷.

始终牢记客户的总体研究目标, 我们的仪器设计专家构造简单, clear, 还有目的性问题. 我们可以将其翻译成多种语言,并设计出跨模式的一致体验.


随着调查研究的发展, ICF可以运用其数十年的经验来确保不丧失基本原则. 比如健康和个人行为等敏感话题, a mode-agnostic approach is especially important for improving 响应率 and data quality, 为受访者提供以他们最舒适的格式回答问题的自由.

ICF is committed to producing the highest quality survey research work with integrity and compliance and 已获得CASRO研究质量研究所(CIRQ)的认证 申请ISO 20252认证.


数据收集 & 管理

ICF开展重要的以健康为重点的调查,并收集数据,帮助美国政府采取行动.S. 全球卫生机构识别和监测健康风险,并迅速提供有针对性的服务, 有效的干预措施.

提高应答率和减少总误差是调查设计的首要目标. 随着调查研究的发展, 实现这些目标意味着主动调整数据收集技术和工具. 像无线技术这样的游戏规则改变者是不容忽视的. Today’s respondents must be able to complete surveys from any location, on any day, at any time. They may begin a survey from a public location or on a cell phone and finish it at home on the web.

ICF’s survey and 数据收集 professionals provide objectivity and a deep understanding of health-focused programs and best practices. 30多年了, 我们结合抽样技术开展了以健康为重点的调查, 混合模式和技术增强的研究方法, 以及当地语言访谈.


  • 电话访谈,计算机辅助质量控制和快速数据汇编.
  • 通过电脑进行面对面访谈,接触到难以接触到的人群, 监控数据收集活动, 促进交流
  • Self-interviewing to enable survey participants to enter data electronically without interviewer assistance when appropriate
  • 手机研究, 包括电子奖励和短信, 使手机面试成功
  • 数据协调选择协议, 建立程序, 保持质量控制, 并产生用于分析的标准化数据集

ICF partners with clients to maintain strict security and adhere to all relevant privacy legislation. 我们的机构审查委员会和美国的知识.S. government clearance processes help to facilitate rapid and effective health program outcomes.

We are committed to producing the highest quality survey research work with integrity and compliance and 已获得CASRO研究质量研究所(CIRQ)的认证 申请ISO 20252认证.

数据可视化 & 报告

ICF传达数据背后的含义, using interactive and innovative 报告 方法 that give clients the information they need to act

改善健康结果的基础是数据的成功可视化表示. The ability to see information from many angles and levels of detail enables comparisons and illuminates trends.

接下来的数据收集和分析, ICF creates customized platforms and portals that allow clients to interact with data and reports in a secure 环境. 报告是专业的, 接地, 而且站得住脚——这反映了企业和政府高管所需要的素质水平.

ICF stands out for our ability to form multi-disciplinary teams of 主题专家 and data scientists who work closely with creative and project management staff to produce high-quality deliverables. Whether an interim online status report or a polished full‐color report presented to constituents, 我们可以提供最适合客户需求的报告.

ICF为美国国税局(IRS)提供报告.S. 住房和城市发展部(HUD), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are submitted routinely to Congress. 除了标准报告之外, ICF不断向高端发展, 创新能力——gis制图, 数据可视化, and harmonization—to offer clients actionable insights to make data-driven and informed decisions.

We are committed to producing the highest quality survey research work with integrity and compliance and 已获得CASRO研究质量研究所(CIRQ)的认证 申请ISO 20252认证.

抽样 & Design

ICF最大限度地提高响应率和数据质量, in-house survey design and sampling services using traditional and emerging 数据收集 方法.

调查研究不仅仅是收集数据. Surveys that produce high quality results are designed and tested by experts like ICF’s survey teams, 其中包括顶级统计学家, 方法学家, 分析师, 以及拥有数十年实践经验的顾问.

ICF的团队将最佳理论与实践相结合,以应对当地的卫生挑战, 国家, 或者全球范围内. 我们的设计方法最大限度地提高了调查回复率,最大限度地减少了覆盖范围, 选择, 测量误差, 增加你对我们成果的信心.

可操作的和符合目的的设计包括概率vs .的战略咨询. non-probability methodologies and development of survey 仪器 that are easy-to-use and tested for accuracy. 数据收集规划考虑多种模式, 单独应用或作为混合解决方案集成的人, mail, 电话, web, 移动设备, 必要时.

We draw on our significant experience targeting hard-to-reach populations for sampling designs that meet clients’ goals for representativeness, 效率, 和成本. 我们的专家可以:

  • 设计,构造和验证采样帧
  • 选择有效样本, 包括随机数字拨号样本或移动电话和固定电话的组合样本
  • 计算抽样权值,准备分析数据集
  • 清理数据,导出计算变量,编码域变量

准确的评估是应对与健康有关的挑战的基础. 军队里的人, 教育, 以及世界各地的社区, ICF正在设计研究,为客户提供改善生活所需的答案.

ICF is committed to producing the highest quality survey research work with integrity and compliance and 已获得CASRO研究质量研究所(CIRQ)的认证 申请ISO 20252认证.

统计数据 & 数据分析

ICF应用统计严谨性将原始数据转换为准确数据, 为客户的研究问题提供合理的答案

拥有200多名统计学家和分析师, ICF can analyze survey data using the most appropriate statistical techniques for each client’s needs, 对特定的工具没有偏爱或偏见. 

ICF 分析师 have experience with all industry-standard statistical software as well as boutique packages. 我们的统计方法包括但不限于分割, 结构方程建模, 因子分析, 聚类分析. 除了, ICF专家使用总调查误差(TSE)模型来设计和分析调查数据, 通过良好的采样帧开发来解决覆盖错误, 使用非反应调整程序的非反应偏差, and measurement error by developing questionnaires using tested questionnaire design principles. 

ICF是国际公认的在美国.S. 国际开发署(USAID)资助 人口和健康调查(DHS)方案. 我们在发展中国家进行具有全国代表性的研究, 然后通过报告呈现哪些内容, 用户驱动的交互式门户, 地理信息系统(GIS)地图.